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Stress Relieving Bath Soak

Stress Relieving Bath Soak is made with calming essential oils and Epsom salts to relax the mind and body.

Benefits of Each Ingredient-

Epsom Salts- Relieves muscle tension, cramps, pain, reduces inflammation, removes toxins and decreases stress.

Lavender Essential Oil- Improves mood, reduces stress, natural anti-inflammatory, improves blood circulation, helps skin irritations.

Bergamot Essential Oil- helps blood circulation, natural soothing effect that calms the mind and nervous system, natural anti-microbial and antiseptic.

Geranium Essential Oil- can help relieve sore muscles, calms our nervous system, helps cell regeneration and scarring, natural anti-microbial, helps reduce wrinkles.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil- Boosts mood, helps relax mind and body, treats mild skin irritations and heals wounds, natural anti-depressant and antiseptic.

Handmade using all natural ingredients.

Ingredients- Epsom Salts, Lavender Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, Blue Mica Coloring.